Mothers Union Sydney Members

a special place just for us

Membership Renewal for 2025

NEW - Automated Annual Membership Renewal available when using your Credit Card!

Plus all methods of Membership renewal are available here:

Shop is open, Volunteers are needed.

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Please also shop at our online store!

Worldwide Mothers Union Prayer Diary 2025

Announcing Worldwide Mothers’ Union President Kathleen Snow in 2025

Kathleen has served on the Board for six years as the Zonal Trustee for the Americas, and has been a member of Mothers’ Union for thirty-six years!

“This is humbling, and a great honour. I look forward to working with members and staff to continue to build God’s Kingdom through Mothers’ Union. With God, all things are possible.” - Kathleen Snow 
A Special Message from our Worldwide President Elect | Mothers' Union (

Meet our Chaplain

Introducing Chaplain Rev. Margery Mills.

Marge comes with a long-standing connection and membership of Mothers Union Sydney in the Southern Highlands and we look forward to her leading us.

Please pray for Marge as she continues to serve our Lord in this ministry; for encouragement and time as she cares for her family and community and Mothers Union Sydney.

Listen to our President Glenda McSorley &

Parenting Course Coordinator Ann Cunningham

on HOPE radio!

Festival Service & AGM 2024

Executive Committee - Festival Service 2023 & AGM

Reports from current & past Parish Workers

PLUS Thank you videos from Parish Ministers


Celebrating 125 years!


 Members Photo Gallery

We would love to be able to add photos of all of our Branches and members.

Please send additional photos to:

Long Service Medals Awarded

for 70 years and 50 years

Members from 1907

St Thomas’ Enfield Branch

Patterns & Instructions

Click on the images to download what you need



Patterns for booties, caps, teddies & more

Blessing boxes.

Instructions and cards for you to print out.

Annual Membership Renewal

NEW members - please use the “JOIN US” button at the very top of this page…

credit card online.

You can pay for your annual membership renewal with a credit card by clicking one of the buttons below.

You can now renew automatically each year with your credit card OR just make a single payment for this year.

direct debit bank account.

You can still pay your membership renewal directly to the Mothers Union Sydney bank account.

Membership is $35 per year. Postage (if items are to be posted to you ) is an extra $20 per year.

BSB: 484799
Account: 071250787
Reference: Membership (if you have a renewal form, please use the reference from the form)

Please notify us of your payment and any changes to your personal details by filling out this form.